All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.ChatColorCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.ClearChatCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.IgnoreCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.InvShareCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.SetItemCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.SetPlaceholderCommand
- onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.moderation.SpyChatCommand
- onDisable() - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.RedisChat
- onEnable() - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.RedisChat
- onJoin(Player) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.moderation.SpyManager
- onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class
- onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class
- onLoad() - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.RedisChat
- onLoad(DiscordBot) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.discord.SpicordHook
- onMessageReceived(DiscordBot, MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.discord.SpicordHook
- onPlayerJoin(PlayerLoginEvent) - Method in class
- onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class
- onRequest(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class
- onShutdown(DiscordBot) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.discord.SpicordHook
- onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.ChatColorCommand
- onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.IgnoreCommand
- onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.SetItemCommand
- onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.commands.SetPlaceholderCommand
- openChannelsGUI(Player) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.api.RedisChatAPI
Open the channels GUI to a player
- openChannelsGUI(Player) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.channels.ChannelManager
- openMailOptionsGui(Player, Mail) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.mail.MailGUIManager
Open the mail options gui for the given player
- openPreview(Player, boolean) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.mail.Mail
Opens the mail preview to the player The most hard part of RedisChat
- openPrivateMailGui(Player) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.mail.MailGUIManager
Open the private mail gui for the given player
- openPublicMailGui(Player) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.mail.MailGUIManager
Open the public mail gui for the given player
- OraxenTagResolver - Class in dev.unnm3d.redischat.integrations
- OraxenTagResolver() - Constructor for class dev.unnm3d.redischat.integrations.OraxenTagResolver
- OUTGOING - Enum constant in enum class
- outgoingMessage(CommandSender, ChannelAudience, String) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.channels.ChannelManager
Send a message to a specific ChannelAudience
- outgoingMessage(CommandSender, String) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.api.RedisChatAPI
Sends a message into the RedisChat system (cross-server)
- outgoingMessage(CommandSender, String) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.channels.ChannelManager
Player chat event, called by the chat listener
- outgoingPrivateMessage(CommandSender, String, String) - Method in class dev.unnm3d.redischat.channels.ChannelManager
Send a private message to a player
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values